Fuel Comparison
by Bryan A. Thompson
Last Updated 2/12/03
Propane Cost $1.489 per gallon
Gasoline Cost $1.590 per gallon
Electricity Cost $0.060 per KWH
Wood Cost $75.000 per cord of 20% moisture Hickory
Trioxane cost $0.250 per one ounce bar
Ethanol cost $2.250 per gallon
Methanol cost $2.000 per gallon
Natural Gas cost $0.008 per cu ft      
Kerosene cost $1.270 per gallon        
Heating Oil cost $1.230 per gallon
Cost to store liquid fuels $1.200
Cost to store Propane (20lb bulk) $4.255
Cost to store electricity $61.594 per KWH in deep cycle batteries
Cost to store wood $0.000  
Cost to store trioxane $0.000
Type Units Stored Energy (in KWH) Stored Energy (in BTU) Weight (lbs) Volume (cu ft) Energy Density (KWH/lb) Energy Density (KWH/cu ft) Energy Cost ($/KWH) Energy Cost from Stored Fuel ($/KWH)
Gasoline 1 gallon 36.33 124,000.00 6.00 0.134 6.055 271.78 $0.0438  $       0.0740
Methanol 1 gallon 19.78 67,500.00 6.58 0.134 3.006 147.95 $0.1011  $       0.1618
Ethanol 1 gallon 95.38 325,452.31 6.59 0.134 14.474 713.53 $0.0236  $       0.0362
Kerosene 1 gallon 39.55 134,970.00 7.20 0.134 5.493 295.83 $0.0321  $       0.0625
Propane 1 gallon 26.82 91,547.00 1.00 0.048 26.823 559.55 $0.0555  $       0.2142
Natural Gas 1 cu ft 0.29 1,000.00 0.00 1.000 Unknown 0.29 $0.0286  NA 
Heating Oil 1 gallon 40.43 138,000.00 7.00 0.134 5.776 302.47 $0.0304  Unknown 
Electricity 1 KWH 1.00 3,412.00 0.00 0.000 NA NA $0.0600  $     61.6542
Wood (Hickory) 1 cord 7,032.00 30,000,000.00 4,000.00 128.000 7,500.000 54.94 $0.0107  $       0.0107
Trioxane 1 ounce bar 0.55 1,862.95 0.06 0.001 8.736 944.47 $0.4579  $       0.4579
Energy Costs indicate cost when consumed in a 100% efficient device
Stored Energy figures *do not* take into account any inefficiency encountered in consuming the energy!
Information in bold was found on the internet.  Other information is calculated based on this information
These energy numbers are chemical energy figures.  In other words, when they undergo a chemical reaction, this is the energy they release energy (they're exothermic).  
1 gal = 0.00378541m^3
1 ft^3 =  0.02831685 m^3
1 m^3 = 35.3146 ft^3
1 gal = 0.133680 ft^3
1 cal = 4.186 J
1eV = 1.6E-19 J
1KWH = 3.6E6 J
1 BTU = 1.054E3 J
1 J = 1 W*sec
1W = 1J/sec
1BTU = 3.412 Watt Hours
1 BTU/hr = 0.293W
1 BTU = .293 W*hr
1 BTU = Amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of 1 pint (=1lb) of water 1 degree Farenheit